Bradford Council Involvement
Discussions with Bradford Council, who manage the area, highlighted ways in which Friends of Northcliffe could help the Council and vice-versa. A good working relationship has now been established. Members have put up bird and bat boxes   provided by the Council and our own members.

 The steps in Old Spring Woods were made of elm from the Council's timber yard. The group acquired a grant to buy stone, which the Council used to repair steps in Northcliffe Wood.
Friends of Northcliffe pinpointed the need for seats and litter bins which the Council installed.
Several thousand crocuses were provided by the Council, to be planted at the sides of High Bank Lane. Friends of Northcliffe organised planting sessions with local cub packs, thus furthering another of their aims to encourage children to take an interest in the local beauty spot so that they, in their turn, may grow up to appreciate and love this fascinating area. Recently, local brownie and rainbow packs have also helped to plant more bulbs.